Ode To Spring…
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold;
Her early leaf’s a flower,
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
As Eden sank to grief.
So dawn goes down to day,
Nothing gold can stay.
—-Robert Frost
Birds chirping, tulips and daffodils blooming, grass greening, flowering trees, budding trees, children running barefoot on a warm spring day. Living in the north the Spring is long anticipated. The colder and darker the winter, the warmer and brighter the spring seems to arrive. Spring is, of course, relative because spring comes at different times for different regions. For West Michigan it is usually early April (or this year late April early May). It is such a magical feeling to see the water start to trickle after being frozen so long. Then everything overnight seems to burst into green beauty.
My flowering Crabapple tree overlooking our neighbors hayfield
I so enjoy watching the seasons change, from gold, to white, to golden green, and then again to lush green. I have lived in locations where there is not such bold changes to the seasons. Watching the season change is such a wonder to behold.
It is a sign of God’s faithfulness that the season do change. In Michigan it seems we waited and waited for spring, and then it all came on in one week. Suddenly, the trees were all flowering and the leaves all leafed out. I could hardly believe the transformation right before my eyes.
New life.
New growth.
New beginnings.
My fall planted cool flowers exploded in growth in one week.
My children played outside all day and my 3 year old fell asleep at the dinner table exhausted from a long hard day at play!
An early May view of the garden starting to grow!
I hope you also enjoy the beauty of this fleeting season as the Robert Frost poem describes. Hold on to it…it is only for a short season. The same is true in so many areas of life right?
A baby is only a baby for such a short time, as I am well reminded as my 4 month old coo’s and rolls as background noise right now. So hold on to the beauty, even in the midst of the sorrow, the hard, the painful. And as this spring comes to an end in Michigan at least, remember the beauty and wonder of Spring will return again next year.
Details of summer flowers sales will be forthcoming. On Farm markets will begin when the flower bloom. Weather depending of course, but likely mid June. I will keep you posted.
Check out our flower membership on sale NOW for orders of weekly summer flowers here.
double daffodil bloom