Welcome to the Abundance
Do you feel distracted and like you never have time or energy to enjoy the beauty of the small moments.
You think there must be some other way to live, a simpler, more abundant life.
A life where you can appreciate the details and see beauty take time to look at the intricate parts of a flower, a life where you can share this beauty with others.
I have felt that way too. Then I started growing flowers on a small plot in my backyard.
These flowers allowed me to connect with my children, neighbors and friends. They brought back memories.
Flowers foster connection, and I began to see things I had never seen before.
Things that you can see too. The simple and yet complicated parts of each unique flower, hearing my children play while I garden, watching the sun rise and set, and a deeper understanding of the seasons.
There is beauty surrounding us if we have the eyes to see it.
Shortly after my oldest son was born I left my demanding job as a nurse in the United States Air Force.
Later we moved across the US back near my home town to Dorr, MI. I was home, busy with my then, three small children all in less than three years.
I needed an outlet, I craved order and simplicity among the breakfast crumbs, needs and fussing of children, and constant noise.
So I took myself and my children outside, back to the garden.
I had mostly grown vegetables in my life. However, I had driven past a flower farm on our continual trips out to our property as our home was being built and was inspired to grow some of my own.
So I did what most anyone would do to learn more. I went to the library and gathered all the books. I started following flower farming blogs and YouTube channels.
And I dreamed of growing flowers.
Well, I started to grow flowers, and then my garden grew and grew. Now we have a farm and I enjoy selling wholesale and educating my community through my blog and online resources.
I invite you to join me in this journey to enjoy the blessings that we are given, the ones most often that we already have and neglect to notice or enjoy.
Look around you…I am sure that you will see more beauty as well. So live abundantly and treasure the gifts you already have in your life.
Flowers connect us to our love ones
When I was a little girl we moved away from my childhood home. See how flowers remind and connect me back to my childhood. Download my beautiful article about HOW FARM FRESH FLOWERS TELL A STORY… and be subscribed to my e-mail list and get inspiration, farm stories, and be in the know….