Warm Season Annual Cut Flowers: and Why to Grow them

three buckets of sunflowers and summer flowers

Sunflowers, Sunshine, Sprinklers, and Shorelines…..

Well, at least here in Michigan this is what summer means!

Previously on the blog I wrote about cool season annual flowers, now we turn to warm season annual cut flowers.

A warm season annual is a plant, flower or vegetable grown from seed that lives for one growing season.

The lifecycle of an annual flower is that it grows, blooms, produces seed, and then dies.

Warm season annuals consist of many summer favorite flowers including, sunflowers, zinnias, coxcomb, amaranth, basil, grasses, and much more.

These are heat loving plants that cannot be planted outside until all danger of frost as passed in your location.

Many will grow until the first frost of the fall.

For example, a zinnia is started from seed, grows out in the summer heat, grows a flower, sets seeds, and then dies.

Thus, it tells itself that it has created seed and so it can die happy knowing that it has preserved it self by creating more seeds.

It really is amazing how God created all things to reproduce so the earth will again be filled with them!

So why to grow warm season annual cut flowers…

Well, many of them are very easily started from seed, grow like crazy in the summer heat, and will produce abundantly during that growing season.

We are mostly talking bout flowers in this blog, but this applies to vegetables as well.

You can grow so many incredible varieties of flowers and vegetables in just the span of one season.

It really is remarkable to plant one seed into the soil in late May, and have that plant grow into a huge plant and produce all the way into October until the frost.

Cosmos for example, grows easily from seed and the plants can grow like trees! OK…well not quite, but in one season they can easily grow taller than I am.

It’s incredible to watch something grow like that.

So why grow warm season annuals?

Well….because it will increase your sense of wonder, fill you with joy, bring beauty, and add peace to your life….. What are you waiting for!!!

Are you ready to learn more and grow flowers in your backyard with your children? You are in the right place. I have created a SUPER affordable beginners Guide so you can get started planning and growing TODAY so that you also can experience the joy of watching your children and flowers grow together just as I have.

handful of white and pink cosmos flowers

Summer cosmos, planted from seed directly in the soil in spring

Ruth Ann Majauskas

Hi, I’m Ruth Ann. I own a flower farm in West Michigan where I grow flowers to cultivate beauty and then to spread joy to my community. I sell flowers wholesale direct to florists and through partnering with other local businesses in West Michigan.


From Air Force Nurse to Flower Farmer...a little about me


3 Easy to Grow Annuals